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La terapia con células madre se esta actualmente investigando y utilizando en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca para tratar el remodelado ventricular, mostrando una Buena regeneración de tejido cardiaco por medio de una compleja orquestación de diferenciación celular con la interacción de eventos celulares y moleculares. La utilización de Células Madres de tejido graso sumado al de medula ósea mostraron ser eficaces en reducir el tamaño del are de infarto y mejorar la contractibilidad cardiaca.

A novel therapeutic strategy to prevent or reverse ventricular remodeling, the substrate for heart failure and arrhythmias following a myocardial infarction, is the use of cell-based therapy. Successful cell-based tissue regeneration involves a complex orchestration of cellular and molecular events that include stem cell engraftment and differentiation, secretion of anti-inflammatory and angiogenic mediators, and proliferation of endogenous cardiac stem cells. Recent therapeutic approaches involve bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells and mesenchymal stem cells, adipose tissue-derived stem cells, cardiac-derived stem cells and cell combinations. Clinical trials employing mesenchymal stem cells and cardiac- derived stem cells have demonstrated efficacy in infarct size reduction and regional wall contractility improvement. Regarding delivery methods, the safety of catheter-based, transendocardial stem cell injection has been established. These proof-of-concept studies have paved the way for ongoing pivotal trials. Future studies will focus on determining the most efficacious cell type(s) and/or cell combinations and the mechanisms underlying their therapeutic effects.

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